Monday, December 13, 2004

Moving was created by women

Well, being as I am sitting here typing on this stupid machine, it must mean that I have yet to pack a bloody thing. Yes, I have so far failed in my quest to relocate to New Nowhere. You would think that after years of perfecting the art of procrastination, I would have gotten disillusioned and given up...not the case however. I am still a pro. I can put off things I love let alone things I hate with much passion. That being packing. Anyone want some stuff? I sure don't. So now I am sitting here with another full week staring me in the face allowing my limited time to pack. And am I using the limited time I have efficiently? I should think not. I am listening to NoFx and playing with my computer. I packed my CD's...maybe I should pack this comupter and leave it at the new place. Then I would have some motivation to move there. Yes, that is a splendid idea. Well, that settles it. I won't have the option to waste all this time if this isn't here. Then again, I still have my guitar and best of all, my bed. I guess I could leave all that there to. And maybe my stereo and all my clothes and my dresser and couches and chairs and dishes and clothes and desk...hmm...if I left all that there then I would be way ahead of the game, infact I would be all moved. Now that would motivate me. Did I mention I hate moving?

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Too late...but great's like 1:00 in the morning and I finally got this new computer rollin. I am exhausted and excited. Now things will vastly improve in the life of the Dirtmeister. I don't have anything else to say. I am going to bed and then to the wretched job that funded this whole project. Take what I can get...

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

One small step for the revolution

Ya, so, I ordered my new computer today. I am really excited...even for me. I have nothing profound or inspirational to share, just that after 6 or so long years of waiting, I will finally have a computer of my own. It never really made sense to me. After all I am more geek than the average and a lot more than the majority of my why wouldn't I have my own computer...they all have them. Either way, I will have one soon. Then I will begin the slow process of setting up my little recording studio/video editing room. It will be great and much love will be the result. Thankfully I have a boss who will let me put the whole thing on my account at work. Wow, thats it...As of hopefully Monday, I will be fully operational...64bits of Athalon fun...Wonder when all those new apps are actually gonna come out and make the machine worth while? Anyway, that is all...I shall now spend the rest of my evening attemtping to reach REM sleep and probably failing. One of the sales guys at work is sure that is my problem...appartently that is important. Sleep apnia? Maybe...maybe I just like to get excercise at night. This is going no where. I will emerge from my geek shell soon enough and be typing this staring at dual 19" flat screens. And I know about trucks. Hmmm...a redneck rad is that.