Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Not a lot to always

Well, it has been quite some time since I decided that the word blog was LAME but I kind of appreciated the concept. Anyway, I thought I would write something great and inspiring for the masses. Ok, so that is obviously not going to happen. My mind is fried. I am 3 days away from finishing the longest run of work I have done in a long time. 600 hours in approx. 45 days. I will let you do the math. It was insane. As much as I love fertilizer, I am done with it. Soon I will be entering a whole new dimension of life (again). I decided to get into air traffic control. I may have already mentioned that at some point. I quit my telecom crap job and started the long, arduous process of trying to get accepted into Nav Canada's training program to become an IFR controller. (means Instrument Flight Rules) Now, I don't know a lot about this profession but I do know that it is supposed to be somewhat stressful. I can always use alittle more stress. I will be amazed at myself if I even make it through. I know that I am smart enough, and my mom thinks I am good looking. So add that up and I am in. I have just decided that I have written enough for the eveing. I have another summer of camp ministry ahead of me. Much kids, much food, and much good if anyone is interested. Peace