Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Should be studying,,,

It is amazing what you can accomplish when you should be studying. I am a class 1 procrastinator. Don't get me wrong, I will get a couple hours in tonight but getting there is sometimes so tough. I guess the fact of the matter is I may never learn complete discipline when it comes to this sort of stuff. It is reflected in the cleanliness of my room, car, etc. Either way, I hope I will figure it out before I get married or the special one may kill me. I think I can get it together. Anyway, I am working on designs for a new PLAN-A t-shirt. Let me know what you think. (That is if anyone ever reads this...) Anyway, here we go. Two of these are mine, one is robs. If you have any ideas, feel free to send them my way.

This one is Robs...

I kinda changed robs and called it mine so I guess both could be Robs technically...

Well, thats all I have for now. I may have Pins and t-shirts for sale soon. Tell your friends...

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