Saturday, March 10, 2007

Just A Couple Pictures

Ok, for those of you who are wondering...this is Kendra. I am going to marry her (as per my last post) I am waiting patiently for July 21st. I think she is the most incredibly beautiful girl in the whole freakin world. I guess I should, I mean, she is gonna be my wife.

This pic could get her kicked out of her family
...they prefer you say "Chevrolet"

She can get dirty (See...shes perfect for me)

She makes pretty music

I thought I should put some in of me and her
so people believed she actually knew me!

Well, there you have it. Now as long as I can explain why I plastered her face all over my blog we're good to go. She's hot...what can I say. Wow, now I can make you blush via the world wide web...isn't that special Kenny? Hope y'all enjoyed.


Shar Warkentin said...

Hey Kurt ... I found you! Decided to follow some link's on Julie's blog and got here. While not a blogger myself, I'll be happy to read you. (I think this may be a form of voyeurism but oh well!) Good to see you so happy! Can't wait til July 21st!

Jesse and Sarah said...

Okay Kurt - I'm starting to believe the rumors now. I for sure believe the one about how beautiful Kendra is but the one about you getting married is taking some time. Just joking - we are very happy for you and are praying that God will bless your wedding and your life together.

Rob said...

How come there aren't any 'built nissan tough' hats?