Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Great Motivation

Well, if anyone didn't know I have a small place in my heart strictly reserved for my Bronco II. I have some long term plans to turn my little Ford into a big, mean 4x4. I spend a lot of time reading and getting ideas from . It is a great resource for a guy like me and has a couple thousand Bronco II lovers on board. Anyway, the guy that started the site flopped his truck over bad the other day and I though I would post up the vid. Now you will know why I want to put a good roll cage in my rig...might save my life some day. I have been up bigger hills than this in my truck and the thought of rolling makes me more nervous now than ever. Hope you enjoy!

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Just A Couple Pictures

Ok, for those of you who are wondering...this is Kendra. I am going to marry her (as per my last post) I am waiting patiently for July 21st. I think she is the most incredibly beautiful girl in the whole freakin world. I guess I should, I mean, she is gonna be my wife.

This pic could get her kicked out of her family
...they prefer you say "Chevrolet"

She can get dirty (See...shes perfect for me)

She makes pretty music

I thought I should put some in of me and her
so people believed she actually knew me!

Well, there you have it. Now as long as I can explain why I plastered her face all over my blog we're good to go. She's hot...what can I say. Wow, now I can make you blush via the world wide web...isn't that special Kenny? Hope y'all enjoyed.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Planning a what?

So, if you ever decide to get married, make sure you find a girl as amazing as mine. I have heard so many horror stories of these psychotic brides that have to run the whole show because they have been dreaming about some perfect fairytale wedding. I always figured I would just never get married due to the large number of unstable women that seem to be floating about. As luck would have it I found the only girl on the planet that realized planning a celebration for two people, years before you figure out who the other person is and what they like, is slightly more than a little foolish.

So, we continue on our journey of planning this celebration of starting our lives together. I have actually enjoyed the whole experience. Sure there have been some stresses but nothing not worth stressing about. We have managed to nail down most of the important things at a fairly early stage. We both have had to make compromises but we are pretty excited about the whole thing. I was hoping for more drunk Scots then she was but we have come to solid agreements that large, drunk men in kilts are not necessary to have a great day. I can appreciate her perspective on that. I have access to a bag piper even but I think that may annoy me even.

Back on track, I figured I would post up a couple of links to the people involved in our wedding. Mostly our photographer and the dude playing the music at the wedding and the caterer. The caterer isn't so exciting except that we are having steak so that is cool for an outspoken carnivore like myself.

So anyway, we are super excited about our photographer. Her name is Jenn Roach and she is from Calgary. She is super cool and we are totally stoked to have her stealing our souls with her magic picture box. Check out her website at Her pics are cool and she is a camp person (not our camp but we can forgive her for that)

Music at our ceremony is being provided by the one and only Andy Shauf. He is totally hot and all the girls love him and he is a rock star for sure. You can listen to some of his music at He's my hero for coming to our wedding and making beautiful sounds.

The caterer is Bob Ronnie Catering. They are from Ponoka and have treated us great. They are going to BBQ me steak and give me potatoes so they are going to be my favorite people at the wedding next to Kendra I suppose. But she is not people, she is a person, so they do get to be my favorite people. Maybe I could give them the award of "Favorite People in a group of 2 or More" That sounds like on of those lame awards they give at the Oscars so everyone feels important... I hate the Oscars.

Ok , so to drunk Scots, but lots of dead cow. Couldn't ask for anything more.

See you at our wedding. Unless you weren't invited. Its not that you weren't important but just not important enough.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Never Grow Up

In case you are one of my friends that hasn't already seen this...but if you haven't, chance are you don't read my blog anyway... Anyway, just thought I would post up this video of some events that occured after a great bachelor party at the water park.

Hope you likes it.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

I thought I would stick up a video I found that I made some time ago. I am on a study break so I needed a distraction. Check it out...not that bad but still looked cool...

Thats all for now.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

one more logo...

I have one more logo idea. I guess I am putting them up here for critisism or praise or just to entertain myself. I think this would look sweet on a black t-shirt.

James Boldt...I made this for I can do for now with the MASH theme.

Wow...I actually failed...

So, as of late, I have been learning much about my self. Mostly about how unaware I am of who I really am. This tends to suck once in a while when you think you are fine then you realize that you are kind of failing and need to change. Part of this was brought to a head today as I failed an exam in school. I got 78%. Not terrible, but not the 80% needed to pass, and not the 90% plus needed to really succeed. What I have been hearing since grade school is, "Kurt does not work up to his full potential." This said usually with some frustration. Well, I think I am back in that mode and now I need to figure out how to change it. I know that I can't give up on the whole air traffic thing as I have so many other things. I used to think I would rather quit than fail. I just realized recently that I used to think that. I think some of that mindset still exists but I need to work at changing that. I intend to change that. I will not fail at this. I used to think I could be confident with answers even if I didn't know if they were right for sure but I am realizing I pull back if I don't know. Now I intend to know the answers and if I don't, everyone will think I do. If I am going to fail, I need to fail knowing I am giving it my all and to this point I honestly don't think I have. I guess I could make a bunch of excuses but my only real reason seems to be a lack of self motivation. I guess you could even call it being lazy. That is not a good place for a 26 year old to be. I don't want to be lazy, I don't want to be a slacker. So, I think I am writing all this so I have something to look at to remind me of my goal of success. I am commiting here and now to get through this. With the love and prayers of the people close to me (especially know who you are...) and maybe the odd hug and some kisses. Either way, I will make it. I guess this has been a little random. I have been inspired by my friend (I call him that but we never hang out cause I suck) Brian to get more of my thoughts out on here. I guess by doing this anyone who reads it can kind of keep me in check. I know, I used to think the whole blog thing was lame, and I kinda still do but I am going to do whatever it takes to have an ATC license and I think getting my thoughts out may be part of the process. Thanks for listening...or reading...or getting bored and skipping to the end of my randomness.

P.S. I love you Kendra. Just thought I would get that in there.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Should be studying,,,

It is amazing what you can accomplish when you should be studying. I am a class 1 procrastinator. Don't get me wrong, I will get a couple hours in tonight but getting there is sometimes so tough. I guess the fact of the matter is I may never learn complete discipline when it comes to this sort of stuff. It is reflected in the cleanliness of my room, car, etc. Either way, I hope I will figure it out before I get married or the special one may kill me. I think I can get it together. Anyway, I am working on designs for a new PLAN-A t-shirt. Let me know what you think. (That is if anyone ever reads this...) Anyway, here we go. Two of these are mine, one is robs. If you have any ideas, feel free to send them my way.

This one is Robs...

I kinda changed robs and called it mine so I guess both could be Robs technically...

Well, thats all I have for now. I may have Pins and t-shirts for sale soon. Tell your friends...