Wednesday, November 30, 2005

P.L.A.N. - A. IS FREEDOM or at least a t-shirt

Well, being as I just got done typing one thing on here, I figured it could use another. I finally have PLAN-A t-shirts done and for sale. $15 plus shipping (like 3 bucks) unless I know where you live and see you frequently then shipping doesn't count. Anyway, I don't think people read this thing at all so this may be lost advertising but its free so who really cares? The t-shirts are RADASTUPENDOMUNDICALLY AWSOME. I totally made that word up...I would have used ASS-U-RADICAL but its not mine so I won't. Army green...Red PLAN-A across the front. You get the idea. Leave a comment on here if you want one or even if you have been here. I need the reassurance that people love me...

Alas, I have moved again

Ok, has been a long time since I bothered to entertain the 1 or 1.5 people who actually look at this stupid thing on occasion. Well, I am in a good mood today...or a lazy one. I could be folding laundry but I am writing on here instead. I have moved AGAIN. I came to find out if life really does end in Drayton Valley. I hope not but that is still yet to be determined. Am I to old to be moving home and living with my folks again? Yes, there is no other way to answer that without a lot of painful justification on my part. That being, "But, I need to make money for school, and I can make a lot in Drayton and I can live for free and I need to make money for school...did I mention I am going to school and not just a lazy welf?" Ok, so that may be a little extreme but what can I say, that is my excuse. Anyway, I intend to spend the next 5 months killing trees and causing general mayhem in the forest with my new toy that I am getting paid nicely to run. I have even started to see positives in being here...that being that I don't want to be here for more than just work and sleep so driving into edmonton to see the most freakin amazing girl in the world is very much justified. Did I mention that I had a most freakin amazing girl in the world? Cause I do. Just for the record. This is a fairly new thing for me...well new as far as the last few years go...I have no complaints about the single life but this is just slightly (and by that I mean A LOT) better. It helps that she is smart and pretty and doesn't let me get away with crap. Anywho, I am happy and that is all you all need to know. I don't even know who you all are...weird....gotta love this "world wide web" they keep telling me about...some say you can throw mostly personal thoughts up on places that anyone in the world can read. Sounds crazy but I think it is possible...I mean did you know they had phones WITHOUT cords? Ok, enough...

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Not a lot to always

Well, it has been quite some time since I decided that the word blog was LAME but I kind of appreciated the concept. Anyway, I thought I would write something great and inspiring for the masses. Ok, so that is obviously not going to happen. My mind is fried. I am 3 days away from finishing the longest run of work I have done in a long time. 600 hours in approx. 45 days. I will let you do the math. It was insane. As much as I love fertilizer, I am done with it. Soon I will be entering a whole new dimension of life (again). I decided to get into air traffic control. I may have already mentioned that at some point. I quit my telecom crap job and started the long, arduous process of trying to get accepted into Nav Canada's training program to become an IFR controller. (means Instrument Flight Rules) Now, I don't know a lot about this profession but I do know that it is supposed to be somewhat stressful. I can always use alittle more stress. I will be amazed at myself if I even make it through. I know that I am smart enough, and my mom thinks I am good looking. So add that up and I am in. I have just decided that I have written enough for the eveing. I have another summer of camp ministry ahead of me. Much kids, much food, and much good if anyone is interested. Peace

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Freakin Forwards

So why is it that people are so willing to belive the useless rumors that come to them via email? They treat these little snippets of information as fact and it drives me nuts. All it takes is about 30 seconds with Google and you can find out if things are valid or not. It is not that hard...but you know, I heard it on the internet so it must be true. Did you hear the George W and Bin Laden are brothers...Anyway, I don't have a lot to say about this other than, think for yourselves and think critically. If you don't, at least one person out there may have a lesser opinion of what you say and think...ME. Beyond that, I don't give much of a rats...