Wednesday, November 30, 2005

P.L.A.N. - A. IS FREEDOM or at least a t-shirt

Well, being as I just got done typing one thing on here, I figured it could use another. I finally have PLAN-A t-shirts done and for sale. $15 plus shipping (like 3 bucks) unless I know where you live and see you frequently then shipping doesn't count. Anyway, I don't think people read this thing at all so this may be lost advertising but its free so who really cares? The t-shirts are RADASTUPENDOMUNDICALLY AWSOME. I totally made that word up...I would have used ASS-U-RADICAL but its not mine so I won't. Army green...Red PLAN-A across the front. You get the idea. Leave a comment on here if you want one or even if you have been here. I need the reassurance that people love me...

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