Monday, May 22, 2006

What's in the Van Man? Week

Hey all, I know no one reads this but I am adding useless info about my life for the first time in just about forever. For those of you that know what I have been up to lately, you know that I am about to start school (again). I am going to be an air traffic controler or at least going to try. Anyway, I find myself with a whole week with nothing to do but study. So I have decided to try and get on to Sonic 102.9's travelling game show...What's in the Van, Man? Go there if you wanna know about it. So anyway, you get your name in a draw. If you get picked, then you get to pick an envelope of some unknown amount of money or "whats in the van".

So here is a pic of my winning ticket.

Ok, truth is, this ticket did nothing for me today. But I will keep on trying. But the good thing is I have all week and they do this twice a day. Today the girl that won picked what was in the van. Thats good because the envelope has $5.00 in it and the van had a new 30Gig iPod. That could have been mine. Not today. Maybe tomorrow. I guess its still cool cause I scored the obigatory "free radio station promotional stuff...

Other than that here is a couple pics of NOT ME winning...

That's my iPod on that chair and by me I mean the lady in pink in the bottom me at all. redeeming thing about the day was this kid. Some parents need to feel cool so they use their kids...
Well, until next time...

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