Monday, December 13, 2004

Moving was created by women

Well, being as I am sitting here typing on this stupid machine, it must mean that I have yet to pack a bloody thing. Yes, I have so far failed in my quest to relocate to New Nowhere. You would think that after years of perfecting the art of procrastination, I would have gotten disillusioned and given up...not the case however. I am still a pro. I can put off things I love let alone things I hate with much passion. That being packing. Anyone want some stuff? I sure don't. So now I am sitting here with another full week staring me in the face allowing my limited time to pack. And am I using the limited time I have efficiently? I should think not. I am listening to NoFx and playing with my computer. I packed my CD's...maybe I should pack this comupter and leave it at the new place. Then I would have some motivation to move there. Yes, that is a splendid idea. Well, that settles it. I won't have the option to waste all this time if this isn't here. Then again, I still have my guitar and best of all, my bed. I guess I could leave all that there to. And maybe my stereo and all my clothes and my dresser and couches and chairs and dishes and clothes and desk...hmm...if I left all that there then I would be way ahead of the game, infact I would be all moved. Now that would motivate me. Did I mention I hate moving?

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Too late...but great's like 1:00 in the morning and I finally got this new computer rollin. I am exhausted and excited. Now things will vastly improve in the life of the Dirtmeister. I don't have anything else to say. I am going to bed and then to the wretched job that funded this whole project. Take what I can get...

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

One small step for the revolution

Ya, so, I ordered my new computer today. I am really excited...even for me. I have nothing profound or inspirational to share, just that after 6 or so long years of waiting, I will finally have a computer of my own. It never really made sense to me. After all I am more geek than the average and a lot more than the majority of my why wouldn't I have my own computer...they all have them. Either way, I will have one soon. Then I will begin the slow process of setting up my little recording studio/video editing room. It will be great and much love will be the result. Thankfully I have a boss who will let me put the whole thing on my account at work. Wow, thats it...As of hopefully Monday, I will be fully operational...64bits of Athalon fun...Wonder when all those new apps are actually gonna come out and make the machine worth while? Anyway, that is all...I shall now spend the rest of my evening attemtping to reach REM sleep and probably failing. One of the sales guys at work is sure that is my problem...appartently that is important. Sleep apnia? Maybe...maybe I just like to get excercise at night. This is going no where. I will emerge from my geek shell soon enough and be typing this staring at dual 19" flat screens. And I know about trucks. Hmmm...a redneck rad is that.

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Moving on..and cleaning up to get there

Am I a slob? I have had that question posed to me by potential roomates, girlfriends, and girlfriends parents. If you were to ask my mother, she would answer quickly with a definate yes. No question in her mind that this boy that she raised couldn't keep the inside of a sensory deprivation chamber clean for more than half an hour. Granted I may drop my pants on the floor but c' that really a mess? So now as I look around my house that I am contemplating cleaning, the nest I have created for myself looks a little less than a mothers idea of tidy. Sure I have plenty of excuses, but who am I making them to? You? You don't really care. So I am left to try to explain away the mess to me. I promise that I care MUCH less than you. Now that I've given it some serious thought and have come to these conclusions, I decide that I like my mess and until I have to keep it clean to appease someone who loves me like my mother, it will remain a mess. But man would it be nice to be able to pack up a clean house. I guess I can just chuck all this junk in boxes and empty them on the floor at the new place. I mean. c'mon, do people really take the time to pack up all this crap just to unpack it and spread it around. Maybe I need to just get rid of it all. Anyone need a couch?

Monday, November 29, 2004

More...not new

I found this on my computer and figured I may as well share it with whoever is going to look at this crap. This is kindof like reality tv for geeks...

Why is it that female type humans always feel the need to either be in a relationship or be responsible for one happening. It's not that I am against a couple of friends introducing friends, but when the need to have the credit and the glory if something works out is completely unneccessary. Take my life for example. Girl A and Girl B are very good friends with Girl C. I happen to like Girl C quite a bit. Now I have not informed A or B of this fact but the truth exists that they are women and can quite possibly sense this sort of thing. So in my perfect world I would pursue C based on my decsions and abilitys and would hopefully her into wanting to spend some quality time with me. That is not, however, the world that I live in. A and B, not consulting me, have decided to set me and C up. This hasn't happened yet but that is beside the point. So now C has to deal with the pressure of her friends making my efforts void and giving them the credit. This girl thing isn't easy and if one of us males makes it work, we deserve something for it don't you think? Like at least the satisfaction of knowing that it is not only our mom's that think we have something special. But if A and B are involved, the credit goes to them. "Ya, we set them up...what a cute couple. Aren't we so COOL." So I have decided to take a less than tactful approach and ask the afformetioned letters to not encroach on my hunting grounds...not to sound like this is sport..but inkeeping with this illustration, if I am going to go hunting, I don't need some lonley guide to call the game in for me. Anyway, I have spouted off enough and rambled even more. I am going to retire now and we will see what transpires in the future. All I know is that if C goes for it, the first thing I am going to have to do is confirm that is was not due to any involvement of A or B. Why the crap did I pick letters anyway?

Of Gypsies and Kings

It would seem to me that the biggest thing I have learned about myself in my life is that I am a nomad. I don't know if this was me in a past life or if somewhere in my heritage, my family couldn't sit still for to long. Either way, it is my fate. I have been residing in the same place for over a year now and it is way past time for change. So I am New Nowhere. Now that is a step in the right direction. Ok, maybe not the right direction but a step none the less. This may be enough of a change to quell my gypsy spirit for another short while. The same job for 5 months? Holy would think that would make me happy but I have also learned that my brain doens't work the way the rest of the world thinks. I feel like I am wasting my time. Well not wasting it but not being as productive with it as I could be. Selfish ambition maybe, I don't know, but isn't it just as selfish to sit and rot at one job, in one place for no other reason than monitary gain? Now I am finsihing this much later in the week and after a good discusion with Matty (more me talking than us discussing, I will admit). I think I am at this job to try and teach myself somthing about responsibility. I have kind of commited myself to it until I pay off the loans that got me the education to get me it...I won't quit until I break even...We'll see how that goes. Anyway, I have used my brain up for the day. Peas

Sunday, November 28, 2004

Well Holy Crap....

Who would have ever thought that I would post a blog on the "internet" let alone ever use the word "blog" without kicking my own times have changed. I don't have anything thought provoking, witty, or even the slightest bit clever to post on here so I won't. I guess now that I am a "webmaster" for and also the director of public relations for the camp that said website is focused on, I should learn something about computers and the like. If the website sucks tell me..and I will try to do something about it. I will soon have a new computer and it will rock like lazers and fire. Then I will do some heavy computing and show this "interent" whos the big mamma...(that's me for sure). Now I will just sit patiently and wait for my computer to crash...can't expect 30+ minutes without at least one blue screen 'o' death...

that is all. I will get to some profound P.L.A.N.-A. inspired, revolutionary rants later.
