Sunday, November 28, 2004

Well Holy Crap....

Who would have ever thought that I would post a blog on the "internet" let alone ever use the word "blog" without kicking my own times have changed. I don't have anything thought provoking, witty, or even the slightest bit clever to post on here so I won't. I guess now that I am a "webmaster" for and also the director of public relations for the camp that said website is focused on, I should learn something about computers and the like. If the website sucks tell me..and I will try to do something about it. I will soon have a new computer and it will rock like lazers and fire. Then I will do some heavy computing and show this "interent" whos the big mamma...(that's me for sure). Now I will just sit patiently and wait for my computer to crash...can't expect 30+ minutes without at least one blue screen 'o' death...

that is all. I will get to some profound P.L.A.N.-A. inspired, revolutionary rants later.


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