Monday, November 29, 2004

More...not new

I found this on my computer and figured I may as well share it with whoever is going to look at this crap. This is kindof like reality tv for geeks...

Why is it that female type humans always feel the need to either be in a relationship or be responsible for one happening. It's not that I am against a couple of friends introducing friends, but when the need to have the credit and the glory if something works out is completely unneccessary. Take my life for example. Girl A and Girl B are very good friends with Girl C. I happen to like Girl C quite a bit. Now I have not informed A or B of this fact but the truth exists that they are women and can quite possibly sense this sort of thing. So in my perfect world I would pursue C based on my decsions and abilitys and would hopefully her into wanting to spend some quality time with me. That is not, however, the world that I live in. A and B, not consulting me, have decided to set me and C up. This hasn't happened yet but that is beside the point. So now C has to deal with the pressure of her friends making my efforts void and giving them the credit. This girl thing isn't easy and if one of us males makes it work, we deserve something for it don't you think? Like at least the satisfaction of knowing that it is not only our mom's that think we have something special. But if A and B are involved, the credit goes to them. "Ya, we set them up...what a cute couple. Aren't we so COOL." So I have decided to take a less than tactful approach and ask the afformetioned letters to not encroach on my hunting grounds...not to sound like this is sport..but inkeeping with this illustration, if I am going to go hunting, I don't need some lonley guide to call the game in for me. Anyway, I have spouted off enough and rambled even more. I am going to retire now and we will see what transpires in the future. All I know is that if C goes for it, the first thing I am going to have to do is confirm that is was not due to any involvement of A or B. Why the crap did I pick letters anyway?

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