Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Moving on..and cleaning up to get there

Am I a slob? I have had that question posed to me by potential roomates, girlfriends, and girlfriends parents. If you were to ask my mother, she would answer quickly with a definate yes. No question in her mind that this boy that she raised couldn't keep the inside of a sensory deprivation chamber clean for more than half an hour. Granted I may drop my pants on the floor but c'mon...is that really a mess? So now as I look around my house that I am contemplating cleaning, the nest I have created for myself looks a little less than a mothers idea of tidy. Sure I have plenty of excuses, but who am I making them to? You? You don't really care. So I am left to try to explain away the mess to me. I promise that I care MUCH less than you. Now that I've given it some serious thought and have come to these conclusions, I decide that I like my mess and until I have to keep it clean to appease someone who loves me like my mother, it will remain a mess. But man would it be nice to be able to pack up a clean house. I guess I can just chuck all this junk in boxes and empty them on the floor at the new place. I mean. c'mon, do people really take the time to pack up all this crap just to unpack it and spread it around. Maybe I need to just get rid of it all. Anyone need a couch?

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